Monday, May 14, 2012

Guilty Pleasure

Park the car and step outside.
All of this joy is too hard to hide.

A growl in my stomach and a smile on my face,
I knew when we got here we came to the right place.

We bare the sweat, and heat from the sun.
It’s the number one sign that Summer’s begun.

We’re next in the line, next to chose.
With all these great flavors, how can we lose?

Raspberry? Mango? What flavor of ice?
Chocolate? Vanilla? A custard could be nice.

Step up to the window. Quick! What will it be?!
Shawn goes with a classic, “Chocolate for me!”

Spooning gelati from a small paper cup,
That’s one guilty pleasure we’ll never give up!

Now snack time is over, our trash thrown away.
We’ll do as they ask. We’ll “have an ice day!”

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